Keynote and Session Speakers

Entries are being accepted for prospective speakers for the Future-Ready HR Conference. Conference Speakers are encouraged to select topics that are based on The SHRM Body of Applied Skills and Knowledge (SHRM BASK™) , which describes the behavioral competencies and HR knowledge HR professionals need for effective job performance.

Suggested Topics

When developing the conference program, SHRM Nigeria’s goal is to provide a balanced program that meets the variety of skill levels and interests of the conference audience. The suggested topics listed below are based on The SHRM Body of Competency and Knowledge ((SHRM BASK™) ), which describes the behavioral competencies and HR knowledge HR professionals need for effective job performance. For more information about the SHRM Competencies, click here. Please note that the lists include suggested topic areas but is not all-inclusive. Additional or alternative content will certainly be considered, particularly when lessons learned from first-hand experience are offered as models/examples, or if the session is seen as groundbreaking or cutting-edge. Practical Application – Sessions conducted by practitioners that include practical, immediately applicable work tools, will be given preference. SHRM Nigeria seeks presentations that will provide our attendees with information that will improve their effectiveness on the job.

Create A Profile

Use the form below to create a profile that will be used for Proposal submission

Career Information

List most recent experience first to cover your last 5 years of work history.
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